
Larry and the Hero’s Journey (2015)

The Hero’s Journey was a class project where each of us had to take a scene to tell a story written by Gin Sparrow. The final movie incorporated all of our styles that told a story of an Okapi who wants to be respected by his herd – in doing so, he acquires a horn. The narrative incorporates a strong environmental awareness theme of poaching.

Design Process

I wanted Larry to be an overly stylized okapi that resembles an outcast.

It was this project that I learned to clear my history the hard way – I forgot to delete my … Read the rest

Recreating a Sense of Place (2015)

Recreating a Sense of Place from Christine Hoegemeier on Vimeo.

Design Process

The story changed throughout the project as I was putting way too much content in 30 seconds.

In this project I learned how to use bump maps so that my textures would really pop. I also used a lot of After Effects to get my sunrise/sunset animation, which were synced with the animated lights I used in Maya. I constrained my palette significantly for this project.

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