
Untitled XGen WIP (2017)

I modelled and rigged a dog character from scratch, but then I got into XGen! I really want to learn fur so I will practice with this guy. For now, here’s the model and rig.

I will add and bind the tongue and teeth at the very end.… Read the rest

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Cell Squad / Final Year Showreel (2016)

Cell Squad was my major project with fellow student Lucas Woolf. I was in charge of the all of the visual elements and animation.

The game was made in Unity with another developer. As the person in the middle of the pipeline, I had to be able to take Lucas’ game design ideas and incorporate them into our biological narrative. The idea of Cell Squad was to get children interested in science by making a game based in their own body.

Final Year Showreel from Christine Hoegemeier on Vimeo.

Design Process

In particular to Cell Squad, I did:… Read the rest

Fillie Game Animations (2016)

Fillie is the leader of the Cell Squad, an elite force of white blood cells in charge of saving the human body.

She is a neutrophil – a type of white blood cell that can eat invaders, as well as emit toxins that can kill invading bacteria. For the purposes of gameplay, since we have another character eating bacteria, we limited her to emitting toxins and being an area of effect character instead. I like to depict her as being vegan, despite her appearance.… Read the rest

Luke Game Animations (2016)

Luke is a member of the Cell Squad. He’s a macrophage, a type of white blood cell that eats invaders.

I turned his ears into arms so that he could easily grab bacteria and eat them. Unlike Fillie, he is stronger, defensive-wise and can take a hit. To balance this out, he’s a bit slower.… Read the rest

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Glade – Ileodictyon iluminata (2016)

I collaborated with my lecturer Klaus Kremer for this project. The idea was to create a creature in a hypothetical, otherworldly forest environment. Our creature was based off a fungus – Klaus would build the outer structure while I would build the animation for our Pepper’s ghost illusion within.… Read the rest

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Dynamics Project – Luke’s Day Out (2016)

We had to design our own brief for this assignment, so I chose to animate particles using Maya’s Dynamics and nDynamics. It was during this project I began to love working with simulations (until my computer couldn’t handle it!)

I wanted to tell the story of Luke, a white blood cell known as a macrophage. He is “summoned” by the immune system to dispatch an invading Streptococcus bacteria, but is too slow and comes up with a plan to get the bacteria to come to him instead.

Design Process

A huge chunk of this brief was me testing settings in … Read the rest

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