Wolf Character Progress 5

The model is done! The eye was definitely the trickiest because of its odd shape. To achieve it, I had to make the eyeball itself a plane, then soft select, pulling vertices out so I can get a bit of roundedness.

In my previous entry I was not happy with how bug eyed my character looked, hence the change. But working on a flat plane isn’t really easy either, so I had to do a workaround. I filled the hole, then extracted the shape. Following that, I quad drew directly on top of the odd shape to get the topology I wanted.

Then I had to do the same for the eyelids. I made the eyeball live, then quad drew the eyelids, finally merging the eyelids onto the body mesh.

Then I touched up the body some more, creating a bridge on the eyebrow, then putting the body halves together.

I got to say, I love Arnold’s AO and wireframe shaders! They make models look legit!

The next step is to rig!