Week 2

It was a busy week for me, I wanted to learn some new things. I have been itching to learn how to use MARI, and now that I have a decent computer, I can! I also installed Maya 2017 and learned to UV in Maya as opposed to using Headus. I downloaded the Maya bonus tools which are amazing for UV mapping!

Then I took my UVed model into MARI. I really like MARI because it feels like Photoshop. I also like how you can export each layer individually to touch them up.

I didn’t like how my model was looking so I made some edits in Paint Tool SAI/ Photoshop.

I then procedurally shaded the eyes using the hypershade.

The dark eyes weren’t working for me so I made them brighter.

I had to learn how to use the Arnold Renderer because it is completely different to Mental Ray. I’m hoping shadows aren’t too tricky to sort out in Arnold, because I had some major issues with opacity. 😐

Next week’s plan is to have a completed rig and hopefully some simulations going! I should have a turntable up in the next couple of days though.